How, where, and when to get your COVID-19 booster shot (2025)

Booster shots are here — for some Americans, at least.

US regulators have updated their recommendations as to who should get a third dose of Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first authorized and recommended Pfizer boosters for people with a high risk of severe COVID-19 in September.

The FDA extended its authorization to include both Pfizer and Moderna boosters for all adults in November.

The CDC has also shifted its recommendation to urge that all vaccinated adults boost their protection against the Omicron variant. Anyone 18 or older who completed their Pfizer or Moderna series six months ago, or got their J&J shot at least two months ago, is not only eligible but encouraged to get an additional shot.


Here's a rundown of how, where, and when to get a third shot based on your eligibility.

Who should get a booster shot, and when?

The FDA first authorized a third dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine for people with severely weakened immune systems — including people receiving cancer treatment, those with advanced HIV infections, or organ transplant patients. Third doses are necessary for this group, experts say, since immunocompromised people don't develop the same protection from two shots as others do.

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Scientists also agree that elderly people — those 65 years and older — require boosters, since their immunity from vaccines tends to wane more quickly than average.

But there's less consensus when it comes to the rest of the population.


An independent group of advisors to the CDC recommended Pfizer boosters for nursing home residents, people 65 and older, and all adults with underlying medical conditions early on. The committee has not yet weighed in on boosters for the rest of the population.

Scientists do agree, however, that nobody needs a booster until at least six months after their second dose, or two months after a J&J shot.

How do you book a booster appointment?

Roughly 80,000 vaccination locations will offer boosters across the country, Jeff Zients, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said in September. For the most part, the shots are available at the same locations where people got their first and second doses — including pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens. Many states have closed their large clinics and drive-through sites, though.

Just like the first vaccines, booster shots are free.

"It will be easy. Just show your vaccination card, and you'll get a booster," President Joe Biden said last month. "No other ID, no insurance, no state residency requirement."

Both Walgreens and CVS are asking people to confirm that they meet either the FDA or CDC's eligibility requirements, though the pharmacies don't require specific documentation.

CVS said boosters will be available at 6,000 of its pharmacies and clinics starting in September.

Walgreens said people can book appointments over the phone or online. Eligible people can either bring their COVID-19 vaccine card to the appointment or provide evidence of their last two vaccine doses and receive a new card. (People who lost their cards can typically retrieve their record by contacting their state health department or the site where they got vaccinated.)


What about those who got J&J?

People who got the Johnson & Johnson shot also need boosters, and they're welcome to mix and match them.

The FDA said J&J vaccine recipients can get a second dose of any of the authorized vaccines. Studies have shown that following a J&J vaccination with an mRNA booster from Pfizer or Moderna may lead to an even better immune response compared to a second dose of J&J.

Even before the agency came out with the authorization, some health experts who got the J&J shot "topped off" with a shot from Moderna or Pfizer.

But do we really need boosters?

For most people, there's no need to run to the pharmacy for a booster right away. Vaccines are still highly effective in preventing severe disease, hospitalization, and death.


"The real problem in this country is not that we need to boost the vaccinated — it's that we need to vaccinate the un-vaccinated," Dr. Paul Offit, who sits on the FDA's vaccine advisory committee, told Insider. "That's the problem. Until we do that, we're going to suffer in this country."

The World Health Organization also opposes any move to offer boosters to the general public while so many people in the world remain unvaccinated.

"It's too soon, really. There isn't enough evidence from enough countries around the world to suggest that the vaccines are indeed failing," Soumya Swaminathan, the WHO's chief scientist, said at a Physicians for Human Rights panel on Monday.

"The main goal of the vaccines is to prevent severe disease and death," she added. "The main goal is not to prevent infection."

How, where, and when to get your COVID-19 booster shot (2025)


How, where, and when to get your COVID-19 booster shot? ›

You need to get the same vaccine for all 3 doses. You should get your third dose at least 28 days after your second dose. You don't need to get your third dose at the same facility where you got your first 2 doses.

When is it best to get COVID booster shot? ›

When should I get the updated COVID vaccine? People 5 years and older may get one dose of the updated vaccine at least two months after the last dose of any previous COVID vaccine. Babies and young children usually need more doses than older children and teens.

Which arm should I get a COVID booster in? ›

According to a study by researchers in Germany, side matters when it comes to vaccinations and boosters. Specifically, their evidence suggests that for the COVID-19 vaccine, you should choose the same arm that got your first dose for the booster dose.

Which COVID booster is best? ›

Adults and kids ages 6 months and older can get either an updated Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. The CDC recommends either of these vaccines for boosters. They don't prefer one over the other.

Should I get a COVID booster? ›

You may need additional booster doses based on your medical condition. At risk adults and children include those with a disability, severely compromised immune system and complex or multiple health conditions, which increase their risk of severe COVID-19.

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Everyone aged 5 years and older ‡ should get 1 dose of an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness from COVID-19. Children aged 6 months–4 years may need multiple doses of COVID-19 vaccines to be up to date, including at least 1 dose of updated COVID-19 vaccine.

Should you get a booster or wait for the new vaccine? ›

Unless you've recently been sick with COVID-19, you should not wait to get a spring booster dose. If you are 65 or older, or you are immunocompromised, you should go ahead and get a booster of the 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine now. (Learn all about the 2023-2024 vaccine that came out last fall.)

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Can a person get a booster dose from a different manufacturer from their original series, or do they need to stay with the brand for their original supplier? Yes, if a person is 5 years or older, the booster doses may be administered as a mix and match (heterologous) following completion of a primary vaccine series.

How long does a COVID vaccine last? ›

The Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Novavax vaccines protect against many known variants of COVID-19. The Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines offer immunity against COVID-19 for up to six months. To increase protection, getting an updated COVID-19 vaccine is now recommended for everyone six months and older.

How long do the side effects of the new COVID booster last? ›

Common COVID Booster Side Effects

Side effects from COVID-19 booster shots are similar to those from primary series vaccinations. 9 Additionally, side effects are generally temporary and only last for a few days.

Which booster is better, Pfizer or Moderna? ›

The study from the UK Health Security Agency showed that among those who received a Pfizer primary course, vaccine effectiveness was around 70% after a Pfizer booster, dropping to 45% after 10-plus weeks and stayed around 70 to 75% after a Moderna booster up to 9 weeks after booster.

Is Moderna or Pfizer booster better for seniors? ›

A booster shot with the Moderna vaccine offered older people better protection against COVID-19 if they had previously taken Pfizer jabs, researchers at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) have found.

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Health Canada has authorized two new vaccines to protects older adults from RSV: RSVPreF3 (AREXVY, GSK) was authorized on August 4, 2023, to protect adults 60 years of age and older. RSVpreF (ABRYSVOTM, Pfizer) was authorized on December 21, 2023, to protect adults 60 years of age and older.

Do you really need a booster shot? ›

For some diseases, you need more than one shot to build strong immunity. For others, your protection wears off over time. And some viruses change, or mutate, over time, making your vaccine less effective. For most vaccinations, you need one more jab after the initial series to get more protection.

What are the side effects of the COVID vaccine booster 2024? ›

You could experience soreness at the injection site, fatigue, headache, body aches, and fever.

Why wait 3 months after COVID to get a booster? ›

Consider waiting up to 3 months to get your updated COVID vaccine. Studies suggest that waiting to get vaccinated after COVID illness may result in a better immune response.

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Recap. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine offers protection against the original COVID-19 virus for up to six months.

Which is better, Pfizer or Moderna bivalent booster? ›

Pfizer: Is There a “Best” mRNA Vaccine? Both of the mRNA vaccines available in the US are highly effective against severe COVID-19, but recent studies suggest that Moderna's elicits a stronger immune response and might be better at preventing breakthrough infections.


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