Neighbors and Noise FAQ (2025)

Steps to take when a neighbor's barking dogs, loud music, or other noise production are interfering with your quality of life.

Updated by Ilona Bray, J.D. University of Washington School of Law
Reviewed by Lina Guillen, Attorney UC Law San Francisco

Research solidly supports claims that noise is a health hazard, not just a nuisance. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exposure to certain everyday sounds at close range, such as lawnmowers and motorcycles, can cause hearing damage. A noisy restaurant checks in at 80 decibels, a subway train at 120, live rock music at 130. Ongoing exposure to noise nuisances can also cause stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances. Noise affects the ability to concentrate and learn. Schoolchildren exposed to excessive noise—for example, in schools close to airports or elevated trains—have been found to develop problems with reading and memory.

Neighbors who create excessive noise can be especially problematic. You can't easily escape or shut out the noise, and because you have to see these people on a regular basis, you might not want to rock the boat too much. Here's some advice on how to address noisy neighbors.

How should I approach my neighbor about a noise problem?

There are two common reactions to noise coming from a neighbor. The first is resignation. You hate the noise, but you do nothing. The second is anger. You lose your temper and call the cops. An ideal response is probably somewhere in the middle. Consider taking the following steps.

Approach the Neighbor About the Noise Problem

Raising a problem directly with a neighbor is not easy, but it should always be the first step and, if done with respect and sensitivity, might resolve the matter. Often the neighbor is unaware of a problem—for instance, the dog barks only when nobody is home. Assume that the neighbor doesn't know and would like to be told what's happening. A face-to-face conversation can feel intimidating, but will likely yield the best results. Or, as a second-best possibility, you could deliver a handwritten note (make sure you sign it—anonymous notes tend to anger the recipient) or send an email.

Warn the Neighbor About Consequences of Creating Excess Noise

If tackling the problem head-on doesn't work, get a copy of your local noise ordinance. Email it to your neighbor (if you have an email address) or send a copy with a note repeating your request to keep the noise down and explaining that you'll be forced to notify the authorities if you don't get results. Be sure to provide details on the problem, including the dates, times, and a description of the noise.

If you rent or live in a planned development, send a copy of the lease, rental agreement, or other document that addresses noise to the neighbor. In a planned development, noise concerns and limits are typically addressed in the community's Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. If reminding the neighbor of the rules doesn't work, report the problem to the landlord or homeowners' association in writing. Landlords and homeowners' association boards usually take written complaints seriously. If you can get other neighbors to sign on to your complaint, the landlord or board will probably order the problem neighbor to quiet down or face fines or eviction.

Suggest Mediation to Your Neighbor

If you value the neighbor relationship at all, or just want peace in the future, consider mediation. You and the neighbor can sit down together with an impartial mediator and resolve your problems in a way that you can both agree on.

Mediation services are available in most cities and are often free or low-cost. Simply call your local mediation center, and it will then contact the neighbor for you. For more information, see the Mediation, Arbitration, and Collaborative Law section of Nolo's website.

Call the Police When Noise Levels Are Too High

Still no response from the neighbor? Stereo turned up another notch? Now is the time to bring in the police (or, if the problem is a barking dog, the Animal Control Department). If you've exhausted every possibility of solving the problem on your own, the police will know your complaint is serious and that you need help.

Try to notify the police while the noise is occurring, so they can measure the decibels or hear it for themselves. (Some people simply hold the phone out the window.) Sometimes cities won't act until the noise affects two or more persons, to prevent overreacting to complaints from excessively sensitive people.

Sue the Noisy Neighbor for Nuisance

As a last resort, you might be able to sue in small claims court. It's easy and inexpensive, and you don't need a lawyer, as we'll discuss next.

Can I sue a noisy neighbor?

If your neighbor keeps disturbing you, you can sue, and ask the court for money damages or to order the neighbor to stop the noise ("abate the nuisance," in legal terms). For money damages alone, you can use the small claims court option. For a court order telling somebody to stop doing something (an order or "injunction"), you'll probably have to sue in regular court.

Of course, what you really want is for the nuisance to stop. But getting a small claims court to order a neighbor to pay you money can be amazingly effective. It won't necessarily yield a payment (enforcing small claims court judgments can be a problem), but it might bring the noise levels down!

To win, you'll need to show:

  • There is excessive and disturbing noise.
  • The person you're suing is either creating the noise or is the landlord and therefore responsible.
  • Your enjoyment of your home is affected.
  • You have asked the person to stop the noise.

To prove your case, you'll need to gather evidence of the noise and your efforts to end it, such as copies of your notes and/or emails to your neighbor, police reports, written complaints, witness testimony, your testimony, or recordings of the noise.

How much money should you sue for? In most states, small claims courts limit judgments to between $2,500 and $20,000. (Find out how much you can sue for in your state's small claims court.) Requesting $20 a day for your trouble would probably be considered reasonable. If the noise problem is really severe—keeping you from sleeping or working and making you completely frazzled—ask for $100 a day.

You can learn more in the Small Claims Court area of Nolo's website.

Is my landlord supposed to keep noisy tenants quiet?

You can ask for a landlord's help in quieting the neighbor. Standard rental and lease agreements contain a clause entitled "Quiet Enjoyment." This clause gives tenants the right to occupy their rental in peace—and imposes upon them the responsibility not to disturb their neighbors. It's the landlord's job to enforce both sides of this bargain.

If, for example, the neighbor's stereo is keeping you up every night, the tenant is probably violating the rental agreement and could be evicted. Especially if several neighbors complain, the landlord will probably order the tenant to comply with the lease or face eviction.

My neighbor's dog barks all the time, driving me crazy. What can I do?

Usually, problems with barking dogs can be resolved without resorting to police or courts. If you do wind up in court, however, a judge will be more sympathetic if you first made at least some effort to work things out informally. Here are the steps to take when you're losing patience (or sleep) over a neighbor's noisy dog:

1. Ask your neighbor to keep the dog quiet

Sometimes owners are blissfully unaware that there's a problem. If the dog barks for hours every day—but only when it's left alone—the owner might not know that you're being driven crazy.

If you can establish some rapport with the neighbor, try to agree on specific actions to alleviate the problem. For example, make an agreement that your neighbor will take the dog to obedience school or consult with an animal behavior specialist, or that the dog will be kept inside after 10 p.m. After you agree on a plan, set a date to talk again in a couple of weeks. You might want to follow up in writing—perhaps via email—with the details of the arrangement, so you know you're on the same page.

2. Try mediation

See discussion above about how mediators can help resolve a neighbor dispute.

3. Look up the law

In some places, barking dogs are covered by a specific state or local ordinance. If there's no law aimed specifically at dogs, a general nuisance or noise ordinance makes the owner responsible. And someone who allows a dog to bark after numerous warnings from police may be arrested for disturbing the peace.

If you can't find the relevant law online, call the local animal control agency or city attorney.

4. Ask animal control authorities to enforce local noise laws

Be persistent. Some cities have special programs to handle dog complaints.

5. Call the police, if you think a criminal law is being violated

Police aren't normally interested in barking dog problems. And summoning a police cruiser to a neighbor's house obviously will not improve your already strained relations. But if nothing else works, and the relationship with your neighbor is shot anyway, you could give the police a try.

Are noisy neighbors breaking the law?

Almost every community prohibits excessive, unnecessary, and unreasonable noise, and police enforce these laws. To find your municipality's noise rules, look up the local ordinances, either online, at your local public library or the city or county law library (usually located near the courthouse), or by calling the office of the city attorney, mayor, or city manager.

Most local noise ordinances designate "quiet hours"—for example, from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. on weekdays and until 8 or 9 a.m. on weekends. So, running a power mower might be permitted at 10 a.m. on Saturday, but not at 7 a.m.

Some universally disturbing sounds are commonly banned or restricted. For instance, most cities prohibit honking car horns unless there is danger. This means that the daily early morning tooting across the street for the carpool is a violation. Dog barking and motorcycle noise are two other commonly regulated noises.

Many towns also prohibit sustained noise that exceeds a certain decibel level. The decibel limits are set according to the time of day and the neighborhood zoning. When a neighbor complains, police place decibel level monitoring equipment at a certain distance and take a reading.

The neighbor plays drums night and day. What can I do?

Fortunately, most communities have local noise ordinances that prohibit excessive, unnecessary, and unreasonable noise. Look for your local noise ordinance, searching in particular for:

Quiet Times Listed Within Local Ordinances

Most noise laws designate certain "quiet" times. Some types of noise might be allowed at some times, but not at others. Your neighbor's drumming might be allowed at 10 a.m., but not at 7 a.m. or midnight. After you find out your community's quiet times, keep a log for a week or so of when the drumming occurs. It might seem like the beat goes on (and on) 24-7, but the drumming might not even be occurring during set quiet times.

Decibel Noise Limits in Local Ordinances

Many communities prohibit sustained noise that exceeds a certain decibel level for residential areas. To see how loud the drumming is, you'll need a decibel level machine (they're usually around $50). Keep notes of noise measurements in your log, along with the time of day you hear the drumming (the noise limit will probably vary depending on time of day). Or ask the police to take noise measurements. (Most communities have electronic equipment for measuring noise when a neighbor complains.)

If the drumming noise is below the noise limits, and only occurs within reasonable hours, you probably won't have the law behind you. If however, the drumming exceeds the limits, especially if it occurs outside of designated quiet times, you have some leverage with your neighbor.

In either case, talk with your neighbor (noise ordinance and drumming log in hand). Be sensitive (now is not the time to criticize the neighbor's drumming skills). Attempt to work out a compromise. You'll have more clout if the drumming is also bothering other neighbors—otherwise, you might come off as overly picky. It's possible that your neighbor is not even aware that the drumming is bothering you. Consider options such as mediation if a conversation with your neighbor doesn't work.

If the neighborhood drummer is clearly violating the local noise ordinance, call the police or local code enforcement if you can't work out a reasonable agreement. The police might issue a warning, then later potentially fine the drumming neighbor if the warning is ignored.

How do I deal with noisy fellow tenants in my apartment building?

Even the best rental properties can be noisy at times, with tenants coming and going, doing home repairs, moving furniture, playing music, having loud conversations, or walking across hardwood floors. If a neighbor's noise is continuously disruptive, however, you'll want to find the best way to remedy the situation as soon as possible. Excessive noise, whether from loud parties, blaring radios, or dogs barking day and night, violate other tenants' right to peace and quiet. The following suggestions and tips can help you get a peaceful home (and a good night's sleep).

Make a Friendly Request to the Noisy Co-Tenant

In person, explain that the noise levels are disturbing you, and politely ask your fellow tenants to keep it down. In some cases, a congenial smile and request is all it takes. They might not even realize how loud they are being. Remember, acting in a threatening or belittling manner can exacerbate the situation.

Document the Noise Problem

Keep a log, with as much detail as possible, of the times and dates of noise you are hearing. Consider recording the noise, and, if it's really bad, buy a decibel level machine to measure it.

Make a Second Request for Quiet in Writing

If the noise continues after your initial request, write the noisy tenants a letter that outlines the problem and what you feel would be an amicable solution. Your note doesn't need to be demanding or too formal, but a simple plan that you feel will be effective. For example, if you go to sleep at 11 p.m., explain that a loud radio or television is keeping you awake, but lowering it a few notches will help tremendously. Writing a letter that you're serious about the noise disturbances will give you proof if you need to complain to your landlord or end up in court.

Contact Your Landlord

Other people in your building might have the same complaints as you do. Getting them to sign onto a joint letter to the landlord can be especially helpful in motivating the landlord to stop the noise.

Most standard leases have a clause that give tenants the right to "quiet enjoyment," which generally includes freedom from excessive or continually disruptive noise that interferes with a tenant's ability to use the rental—for example, by making it impossible to sleep. Look for a clause that's called something like "violating laws or causing disturbances." Your landlord might also spell out specific noise guidelines (such as "no loud noise after midnight") in a separate set of rules.

It's your landlord's responsibility to enforce lease clauses and house rules; if a noisy tenant doesn't comply, landlords can evict them. And if your landlord fails to stop excessive and unreasonable noise, you might want to consider filing a small claims lawsuit against the landlord for tolerating a nuisance. Depending on the situation, you might be able to break your lease and move out early.

Research Your City's Noise Ordinance

After doing a bit of research (most likely online), provide your landlord with a copy of the ordinance, so as to back up your request that the landlord take steps to make sure that the noisy tenants cease the problem behavior.

Contact the Police

If the landlord fails to stop noisy tenants, the next step is to contact law enforcement authorities. It's a good idea to call the police while the noise is in progress, such as a during a late-night party.

Neighbors and Noise FAQ (2025)


How to get a neighbor to stop playing loud music? ›

While dealing with disruptive apartment neighbors can be tricky, here are some tips for handling your noisy neighbors in healthy, legal ways.
  1. Take a Breath. ...
  2. Talk It Out With Your Neighbor. ...
  3. Document Noise Disturbances. ...
  4. Ask Around. ...
  5. Consult Your Property Manager. ...
  6. File a Noise Complaint. ...
  7. Contact Police as a Last Resort.
Jan 22, 2024

What time is the noise ordinance in NC? ›

Using or operating for any purpose any loudspeaker, loudspeaker system, amplifiers, or similar device between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays and 10:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. on weekends and holidays in areas within or adjacent to residential, commercial, or noise sensitive areas, except for any ...

What to do if your neighbors can hear you? ›

Adding Rugs

Even a thin rug can go a long way in helping muffle noise because the material acts as padding, lessening the sound when you walk around. If you're the upstairs neighbor, putting down rugs lessens the noises that people living a level down could hear.

How to tell neighbors they are too loud? ›

An Expert-Approved Guide to Respectfully Communicating with Noisy Neighbors
  1. Approach your neighbor in person.
  2. Offer a solution.
  3. Humanize the situation.
  4. Check out neighborhood guidelines.
  5. Don't approach your neighbor with a group of people.
  6. Take further steps only when necessary.
Nov 11, 2021

How loud does music have to be for your neighbors to hear it? ›

For residential environments, the accepted decibel level is lower. Any noise exceeding 70 dB is considered disturbing. Residential limits usually start at 60 or 55 dB (the equivalent noise of a regular vacuum cleaner). Time limits usually apply after 10 pm and until 7 am.

How do you deal with noise in your neighborhood? ›

Here are some of the things you can do.
  1. Get to Know Your Noise. The first step in dealing with neighborhood noise is to understand where it's coming from. ...
  2. Talk to Your Neighbors. ...
  3. Invest in Soundproofing Solutions. ...
  4. Keep Your Own Noise Levels Down. ...
  5. Reframe Your Mindset About Noise. ...
  6. Use Noise-Cancelling Technology.
Dec 18, 2023

How to file a noise complaint in North Carolina? ›

Residents can report suspected noise violations by calling 311 or 704-336-7600 at any time, or 911 if a noise violation is creating a nuisance at the time of the call.

What time do you have to stop making loud noises at night? ›

Most local ordinances include "quiet times." A typical ordinance prohibits loud noises between 11 p.m. and 7 or 8 a.m. on weekdays and 11 p.m. or midnight until 8 to 10 a.m. on Sundays and holidays. It is worthwhile to check your local ordinance before making formal complaint so that you can cite the law.

What is the NC general statute for noise ordinance? ›

§ 160A‑184.

A city may by ordinance regulate, restrict, or prohibit the production or emission of noises or amplified speech, music, or other sounds that tend to annoy, disturb, or frighten its citizens.

How to block noise from neighbors? ›

7 Soundproofing Hacks to Drown Out Your Noisy Neighbors
  1. Furnish, Furnish, Furnish. ...
  2. Make Your Gallery Wall Do Double Duty. ...
  3. Try Out Acoustic Panels. ...
  4. Plug Up Leaky Doors. ...
  5. Expand Your Home Library. ...
  6. Browse Wall Hangings and Upgrade Your Curtains. ...
  7. And, As A Last Resort: Cover Up The Noise.

How do you irritate a noisy neighbor? ›

You can annoy your neighbor by mowing your lawn or hanging up windchimes. Prank them by signing them up for junk mail or having pizzas delivered to their door that they didn't order. If you live in an apartment, annoy them by cooking really pungent food, like garlicky pizza, or by playing your TV a little too loud.

What is the noisy neighbor problem? ›

The noisy neighbor effect occurs when an application or VM uses the majority of available resources and causes network performance issues for others on the shared infrastructure. Compare single-tenant and multi-tenant environments. A lack of bandwidth is one cause of network performance issues.

How do you deal with noisy inconsiderate Neighbours? ›

Resolving neighbour disputes
  1. Overview.
  2. Talk to your neighbour.
  3. Contact your neighbour's landlord.
  4. Use a mediation service.
  5. Complain about noise to the council.
  6. High hedges, trees and boundaries.
  7. Call the police.
  8. Take action through the courts.

What time can I tell my neighbours to be quiet? ›

Night hours are 11.00 pm until 7.00 am. To reduce noise nuisance from houses and premises, the law defines a maximum amount of noise which is acceptable during night hours. When noise exceeds the permitted level, the district council can investigate and take action against the neighbour or other noise source.

How to deal with toxic neighbors? ›

How to Deal with Bad Neighbors: Expert Tips for Peaceful Living
  1. Try to Establish Positive Relationships from the Beginning.
  2. Stay Calm and Objective.
  3. Open Communications.
  4. Create Clear Boundaries.
  5. Protect Valuable Property.
  6. Invest in Home Security.
  7. Document Important Incidents.
  8. Check Out Local Regulations and Laws.

How to deal with neighbours playing loud music? ›

You can ask your local council for help if the neighbour dispute involves an activity that is damaging to health or a nuisance. This is known as a 'statutory nuisance'. This could include: noise (including loud music and barking dogs)

How do I get my neighbor to turn off music? ›

How To Get Neighbors To Turn Down The Noise?
  1. Talk To Your Neighbor. Your first step is to talk to your neighbor and try to resolve your differences in person. ...
  2. Get a Copy of your Local Ordinance. ...
  3. Warn Your Neighbor in Writing. ...
  4. Suggest Mediation. ...
  5. Call the Police. ...
  6. Sue for Nuisance. ...
  7. If You're a Tenant.
Sep 19, 2022

How do I block out loud Neighbours? ›

7 Soundproofing Hacks to Drown Out Your Noisy Neighbors
  1. Furnish, Furnish, Furnish. ...
  2. Make Your Gallery Wall Do Double Duty. ...
  3. Try Out Acoustic Panels. ...
  4. Plug Up Leaky Doors. ...
  5. Expand Your Home Library. ...
  6. Browse Wall Hangings and Upgrade Your Curtains. ...
  7. And, As A Last Resort: Cover Up The Noise.

Is it illegal to play loud music after 11pm in Texas? ›

Texas has a noise ordinance that limits the volume to 60 decibels (roughly the sound you would hear in a busy restaurant). This ordinance only applies between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., however. In reality, it is not illegal to play loud music while driving in Texas.


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.